It lights up the way
It lights up the way

It lights up the way


It wanted to light all up.
Even if the rabbit which had known lonely

life was the act that it was reckless, and was arrogant,

it wanted to be it on a bright route.

The only cat knowing the truth detains night every night every night. Darkness cover that beloved person. A heart of the person who gets lonely easily get wet needlessly again.
To the person that it is dear believe that is repaid its kindness.
At "the hateful night of that person, I avoid it, too

........Therefore I light it up."


The truth
The truth

The truth


You do not need to look if you do not want to look.
Still come here if I look.
I do not know it even if I cry.
I do not know it even if I meet in this way.
Still come here if good.
Oh, I have looked!

If there was speculation
If there was speculation

If there was speculation


Of disturbed conspiracy is broken round and round,

and to pull in even as for what the human being can goddamn mature into.
But my container was not human it.
Therefore I had you take it out.
Then why is a fault fault?
It did not need a container anymore.

Madam Butterfly
Madam Butterfly

Madam butterfly

If I can go in time when life has only once nowhere,
I do it, and what do you spend?
The butterfly woman came over in a circus this year.
When the noise of the festival goes away and goes, in addition,

I leave at the same time, and the woman goes.

I come back and go to existing time.
To face oneself.